Pamela Trokanski Dance Theatre
News & Updates
Time goes fast! This year is our 40th season of Dance in Davis...
We've got our upcoming season dates, so mark your calendars now!
We've just finished up our fall performances with great audiences, including many former PTDT dancers from other decades!
We have two more to go, so save the dates!
Davis Dance Project, Saturday and Sunday, March 1 and 2.
Spring Concert, Saturday and Sunday, May 3 and 4. The title is Pressing Restart
In addition, Pamela was recently interviewed by Tim Gaffaney of Davis Media Access on his show In The Studio about her 40 years of dance in Davis. Here's a link if you'd like to find out more:
This year, Pamela especially wanted to thank the PTDT Board of Directors for all of their work on our new scholarship program. (And also thank the Yolo Community Foundation for hosting this kind of event!)
Yes, we're celebrating 40 years of dance... and we've added a portfolio page!
For dancers who worked with the company decades ago, and for audience members who are just finding out about us, here's a peek at some of our history which stretches over 4 decades. Every week we'll be releasing a video clip as part of our year-long celebration. Just click on the menu tab labeled 40 Years of Dance and find several seasons already loaded.
In addition, if you are one of our former dancers or if you know one, please let them know that we're reaching out to reconnect and thank them for their part of the journey. Former dancers who would like to be on our 40th Anniversary Celebration email list should email the office at office@trokanski.com and ask to be included on that list.
We've also set a date for our Anniversary Celebration. On Saturday, April 5, 2025, we have time for a "Pre-Party" gathering of dancers and board members and then we'll open everything up to the community to come and look at 40 years of photos, costumes, and more, including Fabio :))
And regarding our evolution as a company...
We believe in dance and multiple art forms as tools for physical and mental well-being, academic enrichment, and to support a thriving and connected community. And we want to Thank Everyone who helped us raise $14,432 last year!
Your support on the Big Day of Giving helps us maintain and grow our programs which, in addition to premiering new works in concert for 39 years, include our Dance For Parkinson's program which provides free movement classes for people living with Parkinson's Disease and their caregivers, our Second Wind Dance program which provide free classes for adults 65 and older, our week-long summer camp for school-age children 6 - 12 that uses movement and visual arts for academic enrichment in reading and writing, the Annual Davis Dance Project that produces collaborative community performances with free tickets for children 12 and younger, and our Dance in Public Places program with free classes for the community to learn dances and perform with the companies in public. Also, this year we began a scholarship program providing opportunities for community members for whom dance training may not fit the family budget.
To find out more about us on the Giving Edge: https://www.bigdayofgiving.org/organization/PTDT

It's Donor Appreciation Time!

The Pamela Trokanski Dance Theatre would like to acknowledge Louise Kellogg, Distinguished Professor in the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department, UC Davis, and her husband Douglas Neuhauser, retired Information Systems Manager in the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, UC Berkeley, for their generous and continued support that has lasted decades. Louise sat on the PTDT board of directors for almost two decades, volunteering her time, energy and wisdom in support of our mission. Together they also generously supported the PTDT as donors.
We would like to especially thank Doug for his continued incredibly generous support, after Louise’s passing, naming the theater in honor of her memory. Together they have contributed, and continue to contribute, to the continued success of our work in the community.
We would also like to sincerely thank our other season supporters;
Thomas S Nesbitt, MD & Lisa DeAmicis (for over three decades of supporting our work!)
Allegra Silberstein
Eva Hess
Melinda Waring
Linda Clevenger & Seth Brunner (for over three decades of support)
Jennifer Schultens
Mary Francesca Wright
Solveig & Horst Eltner
Jeanette & Martin Panchula
Valerie Whitworth
Medtronic: The Blackbaud Giving Fund
But wait! There's more...
We would like to acknowledge these donors on the Big Day of Giving:
Amy & Daniel Abramson
Junko Adams
Kim Baxter
Nicole Bell
Maria-Ines Benito
Analisa & Gareth Bevan
Nina Brunner
Seth Brunner
Stephen Brush
Lesley Byrns (Dedicated to Louise Kellogg)
Tom Cadman (In honor of Lynda Cadman)
Brandy Calderón
Robin Carlson
Linda Clevenger
Kaitlin Coppinger
Candace Cross-Drew
Rhiannon Elliot
Jan Fiore
Patrick Fitzgibbons
Daphna Fram & John Bruno
Patrick Gaffney
Evan & Michelle Goldberg
Darcie Griffin
Hugh Griffin (On behalf of Kay Griffin)
Kari Hagen
Linda Hayward (In memory of Jerry Hayward)
Katherine Hess
Catherine Jamison
Gerri Jansen
Marguerite Knipe
Karen Kubey
Autumn Labbe-Renault
Hank Lawson
Lyn Liuzzi
Carol Lynn
Ignaz Mandel
Mikaela Manzano
Jane McKendry
Myvanwy Morgan
Holly Nichols
Akiko Ogura
Jeffrey Pelz
Christine Pinnow
Ruth Rosenberg
Judy Rothschild
Elsa Ruiz-Duran
Robert Schulz
Patti Shade
Allegra Silberstein
Dawn Silberstein (In honor of Allegra Silberstein)
Alison Skinner
Katie Sorensen
Lisl Swinehart (In honor of Pamela Trokanski)
Sharon Taber
Janice Takeuchi
Michele Tobias
Robert Tobias
Gwyneth Tracy
Sharon Trokanski
Kathleen Turney
Stacey Vetter
Erie Vitiello
Loyla Vogel
Melinda Waring
Kari Wergeland
Marilyn Woollard
Jimmy & I-Hui Wu
Louis Ziskind
Again, thank you to all of you (including those who wished to remain anonymous) for all of your support.
One of our favorite sayings is a wonderful African proverb that states:
If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.
All of us together make so much possible! On behalf of both myself (Pamela) and the Board of Directors, we are deeply grateful.